1. Electric Heaters
  3. Heater straight Ø6,4mm 230V

Heater straight Ø6,4mm 230V

Heater straight Ø6,4mm 230V
Heater straight Ø6,4mm 230V

A simple, tubular heating element for heating air.

Can be bent DIY.

CAUTION! Bending it DIY results in loss of warranty!

Surface load for the individual heaters:

Power Length Surface load in W/cm2
320W 1100mm ~2
330W 1605mm ~1.25
330W 2270mm ~1
800W 1100mm ~4.5
1000W 1055mm ~5.75

Please refer to the usage table in relation to the surface load.

Application Tube Material
Copper Normal steel
Standing water 10
Moving water 14
Flowing water 25
Steam generator 6
Thin oil
Thick oil
Vegetable oil
Special heating oil
Still air
Moving air v=2 m/s
Moving air v=10 m/s
Alkaline bath
Flooded aluminium
Buy at eGrzałki.pl

Dane techniczne

Power [W] 320 / 330 / 800 / 1000
Voltage 230V
Lenght [mm] 1055 / 1100 / 1605 / 2270
Diameter [mm] Ø6,4
Blind spot [mm] 2x80
Material Stainless steel
Shape Straight
Destiny Air heating, Drying oven, Pizza oven

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