1. Electric Heaters
  2. Heating sets
  3. Water Heaters
  4. Copper
  5. Heater type PGW 1000W 230V L = 720 mm for water

Heater type PGW 1000W 230V L = 720 mm for water

Heater type PGW 1000W 230V L = 720 mm for water
Heater type PGW 1000W 230V L = 720 mm for water
Heater type PGW 1000W 230V L = 720 mm for water


Heaters are designed for heating of technical water baths (type PGW) or oil (type PGO). The standard version is designed to work in a horizontal position.
Permissible working pressure of 0.4MPa.
Construction of the heater and the principle of operation

The jacket heater consists of a heater element located in a metal jacket (jacket). The cover consists of a sheath and a head, in which the terminals for connecting the heater are located. The electric cable is inserted into the head through the choke. The heat generated in the heating element inserts through conduction and radiation into the metal jacket in contact with the heated medium. For both versions of the radiators shown on the left, the jacket is made of 35 mm diameter pipes made of galvanized steel R35. It is possible to make PGW radiators in 1.4301 (OH18N8T) steel.


An important advantage of the sheath heaters is the possibility to replace the heating element without having to remove the heater cover from the appliance, avoiding the need to pour the bath from the tank. Radiators made as shown in the figure on the left are equipped with individual terminal cover, the power cord must be connected to each radiator. In cases where several radiators are installed side by side to provide the correct power, one common terminal cover for all radiators can be used. In this case it is easier to connect the heaters under a common cover and to feed the power supply with one conductor with a suitable conductor cross-section.

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Dane techniczne

Power [W] 1000W
Lenght [mm] 780mm z osłoną zacisków
Voltage 230V
Material Copper / Nickel plated copper

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